Apply for Funding

The AAHA calls for applications annually. Applications open in September and close on day/date/month 2022. [need 2022 date]

Apply for funding [Link to:]


We priorities novel or recent collaborations where the proposed research addresses the potential for collaboration and delivers translational research.


The project must:

  • build research capability in the long-term
  • must lead to the project becoming self-sustaining through external research funding
  • be scalable in the context of the new national and Māori health authorities.


The Auckland Academic Health Alliance (AAHA) focuses on funding research that directly benefits knowledge in a specialist field, improves patient outcomes, and prompts knowledge translation.

The underlying principles developed in 2015 were innovative and they remain so today.

  • Supporting excellent research and the creation of high-quality research outputs.
  • Developing and strengthening transdisciplinary research collaborations.
  • Strengthening, growing, and diversifying the pipeline of research and external research income.
  • Nurturing, recruiting, and retaining outstanding research talent.
  • Supporting openness in research.

The AAHA is based on relationships that drive progress.

“What we fund and the advances we make ensures the benefits of our research extend beyond Auckland, offering healthcare providers new techniques and knowledge that deliver measurable and improved results at patient level.”                                             [attribute quote to someone]

Formalising these relationships enables:

  • expansion of research networks
  • joint clinical/academic programmes/pathways of research
  • symbiotic support and mentorship from clinical and academic experts
  • integration of a competitive research funding model
  • opportunities for sharing commercial expertise to enable translation of research findings into clinical practice.

The University manages the AAHA relationship through its Faculty of Medical Health and Sciences. This includes our science, business, engineering, legal, and social sciences colleagues where they intersect with health through our research platforms and collaborations. 


The AAHA calls for applications annually.

Applications open in September and close on [insert date for 2022].

Faculty Research Development Fund Application [Link to doc in Upload folder]
(98.3 kB, MSWORD)

Guidelines [Link to doc in Upload folder]
(221.3 kB, PDF)

Budget template [Link to doc in Upload folder]
(13.2 kB, EXCEL)

Checklist [Link to doc in Upload folder]
(52.8 kB, MSWORD)


The University’s new strategic plan – Taumata Teitei – encourages faculties and large-scale research institutes (LSRIs) to review how internal research funding will be deployed strategically in the future. Read more about Taumata Teitei [link to:]

Workforce Development

Healthcare is evolving rapidly and it is only by providing easy access to world-class teaching and learning that professionals can be confident they have up-to-date skills and knowledge. The AAHA places a strong focus on this learning.

The Auckland District Health Board and the University of Auckland share a nationwide interest in the planning, training. and employment of a high performing healthcare workforce. This is carried through into the Auckland Academic Health Alliance (AAHA). The AAHA supports long-term workforce planning, development and retention of staff through joint ADHB-University strategies, especially appointment processes for senior positions.


Organisations often use workforce development to remain competitive in their marketplace. The AAHA takes a longer view.

“We focus on the power of relationships. There are the transactions and the bricks and mortar, but freed from these and other organisational constraints, the AAHA offers opportunities that attract and retain leading clinicians and academics. Our focus is not on an organisation, but on better patient outcomes.”                   [attribute quote to someone]


Good workforce development focuses on people. The most successful are those with a strong network in their community, take a holistic view, and are equipped to work in ever-changing environments. This is how the AAHA operates.